We started this support group because we too suffered the unimaginable loss of a child and we now wish to helps others who are suffering. We understand the shock... pain... grief... emptiness... anger... guilt... and so many more emotions. It's complex and there is no simple answer or way to deal with these feelings. But there are things that can be done to help.
When we lost our son, we were lost and in a lot of emotional pain. We joined a support group which was a big help to us. Connecting with others who have been through the same tragedy truly provided enormous comfort. We found that we were not alone. Having the support group gave us a way to cope with the turmoil and figure out a way to move forward.
We now want to do the same for others who have suffered this tragedy. We offer support for anyone who as lost a child at any stage of the child’s life: miscarriage, still-birth, or at any age after birth.
Utah Bastidas was a case manager and did extensive work with individuals needing assistance, including individual and group counseling.
Jaime Bastidas is a physician and he has dedicated his life to helping others in need.